[Fire-commits] r4290 - in trunk/fire: . Cocoa Categories & Extensions Controllers Conversation/Conversation Objects Conversation/Headers Conversation/Window Objects Core/Controllers Core/Headers Core/Items Core/Protocols Editors English.lproj English.lproj/BuddyEditor.nib English.lproj/ClassicTwoWayConversation.nib English.lproj/Fire-macintosh.nib Fire.xcodeproj Headers Japanese.lproj Plugins Plugins/GPGEncryption Plugins/GPGEncryption/English.lproj Plugins/GPGEncryption/English.lproj/GPGBuddyKeyEditor.nib Plugins/GPGEncryption/English.lproj/GPGKeyImporter.nib Plugins/GPGEncryption/English.lproj/GPGPrefEditor.nib Plugins/GPGEncryption/Headers Plugins/GPGEncryption/Japanese.lproj Plugins/GPGEncryption/Spanish.lproj Plugins/GPGEncryption/da.lproj Plugins/GPGEncryption/it.lproj Plugins/GPGEncryption/sv.lproj Preference Panes/Plugins Preference Panes/Plugins/English.lproj/PluginsPane.nib Preference Panes/Privacy Preference Panes/Privacy/English.lproj/PrivacyPane.nib Span ish.lproj TargetPlists da.lproj it.lproj sv.lproj
Liam mac Lynne
2005-08-15 04:21:07 UTC
Author: gbooker
Date: 2005-08-15 12:35:53 +1200 (Mon, 15 Aug 2005)
New Revision: 4290
It just wouldn't be the weekend without annoying people with big
commit messages ;)
I moved all of GPG to exist within a plugin. As far as I can tell,
things work just fine (and a bit better because it will now queue
messages if you have not entered your GPG password rather than just
Hopefully this will help other in creating plugins.
How very very cool! Thanks, Graham!
